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Tag: suicide prevention

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Tag: suicide prevention

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What Are the Different Types of Homelessness?

What’s the difference between sheltered and unsheltered homelessness? What is the most common form of homelessness? Is couch surfing considered homelessness? Each of these questions and more are critical in understanding what we mean when we say a person is “experiencing homelessness”.

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HUD, HIPAA, and HMIS: What You Need to Know

Can homeless services utilize health data? The answer is yes—but only if they follow strict rules put forth by HUD and HIPAA for HMIS. Check out what these rules entail and what benefits come from following them. 

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The Obstacles of Refugee Children

Being a child isn’t always easy; neither is being a refugee. What about when you’re both? Consider these unique obstacles refugee children face, as well as how we can better support them as they resettle.

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Supporting Transgender Day of Visibility

Since 2009, March 31st marks Transgender Day of Visibility. Celebrated by LGBTQ+ communities across the globe, this day serves as a chance to honor progress that transgender individuals and groups have made. It also offers a chance to improve the ways social services address transgender and gender non-conforming communities.

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The Mental Health of Social Workers

Did you know that over 60% of mental health professionals are social workers? The unique challenges that social workers face mean that they are also at higher risk of developing adverse mental health. Check out the state of mental health among social workers–and how to help.

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Women’s Health and HIV

HIV/AIDS impacts more than men who have sex with men. In fact, 23% of cases in the US occur in women. How can health and human service organizations better support these vulnerable populations? It starts with understanding the unique needs of women and HIV/AIDS care.

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Setting Survivors Up For Success

How can VSPs best set survivors up for success? The path to healing from domestic violence may be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. Consider how and why VSPs are an integral part of this very healing.

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Is My Comparable Database Secure?

For any VSP (Victim Service Provider), the top concern should always come down to security. This is for more than ensuring funding–it comes down to protecting the people in their care from those that would do them harm. But how secure is your comparable database?

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7 Features of Successful VSP Case Management

Are you a Victim Service Provider? Then you should be aware of the signs of a successful comparable database for case management. It comes down to much more than simply following compliance for HUD–you need to make sure it has powerful management tools, a robust security model, and standards for accessibility.

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Should VSPs Switch to A Comparable Database?

As a victim service provider, you work with vulnerable populations and must ensure that their data is safe and secure. One way to make sure this happens? Integrating a comparable database into your organization.

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Why Domestic Violence Awareness Matters

Did you know that on average, nearly 20 people per minute experience physical abuse by an intimate partner in the United States? In the span of a year, this equates to over 10 million men and women. For Domestic Violence Awareness Month, consider these reasons as to why awareness matters.

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Homelessness Mental Health

Knowing the state of mental health among unhoused individuals is the first step in better advocating for change. Consider how mental health plays a role in issues surrounding homelessness, and how your organization can begin to work towards eradicating adverse mental health in your communities.

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Care Coordination Services

Care coordination plans are the future of healthcare. By utilizing strategies that bring community resources together, health and human service providers can offer better, more comprehensive services that save costs while improving patient outcomes.

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Where Health and Human Services Meet

Health and human service organizations are beginning to understand why working together is so important. By bridging the gaps of siloed care through whole person care, these organizations can successfully accomplish the “triple aim”: improving the patient experience, improving health outcomes, and reducing the cost of healthcare.

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How Does Effective Case Management Look?

Health and human services are complex. They require case management systems that not only do the job but do it well. How can you be sure that your case management is at the standard you need? Consider these four elements: client intake and assessment, design tools, referral management, and reporting.

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Gay couple together visiting doctor. Homosexuality concept.

Ryan White And The Forefront of HIV Care

For over 30 years, Ryan White programs have led the nation in HIV care. Today, nearly half of all HIV-positive individuals in the US rely on Ryan White for their health needs. Organizations providing this care are comprehensive in their approach and focus on helping low-income communities.

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Building Community Through Care Coordination

July is Social Wellness Month, and central to health and wellness is a sense of community. How can health and human service organizations better foster this belongingness? It starts with care coordination that is focused on bringing services together.

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women standing together

Domestic Violence in the Summer

As the summer months continue, experts warn of an uptick in domestic violence cases. Why does such violence increase during this warmer season? More importantly, what can your social service organization do to help?

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man experiencing homelessness

Why HMIS Software Is Important

HMIS is a buzzword in the realm of homelessness agencies. But what does it exactly mean? And why is it important? In this blog post, we explore the specifics of HMIS and how a powerful case management solution can improve data, analysis, and services provided.

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How One Non-Profit is Addressing Teen Mental Health

Did you know May is both Mental Health Awareness AND Teen Self-Esteem Month? Pivot Adventure, a non-profit in Utah, utilizes recreational therapy to provide affordable mental health courses for teenagers. Their unique approach is critical to the effectiveness of these social services.

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Refugees in United States

Problems Refugees Face

Earlier this year, we discussed what refugee resettlement programs can expect in 2021. Many of these expectations have changed—despite big promises from the current administration, only 2,050 refugees have been admitted to the US during the 2020-21 fiscal year (Sep—Aug). What are the problems facing refugees amidst these changes?

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stressed woman working

Caring for the Whole Person

Americans experience some of the highest rates of stress in the world. Those in lower socio-economic brackets report even higher levels, and this can negatively impact their overall health. A whole person care approach can help health and human service organizations better address stress.

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3 Signs You Need Better Case Management

Running a health and human services organization can be as challenging as it is rewarding. Often, case management processes—like entering data into spreadsheets, creating reports, and handling clientele growth—can slow down organization effectiveness. Be aware of the signs that show it may be time to upgrade to a more functional case management system.

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The Case for Universal School Lunch

How can food and nutrition programs best combat child hunger? The COVID-19 pandemic has opened the path for one possible solution: universal school lunch. Advocates pushing for a long-term implementation cite the academic and health benefits of such programs.

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Food Insecurity is Rising. Can SNAP Meet the Challenge?

Hunger in the United States is rising, and food and nutrition services are looking to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for help. As the new administration is challenging lawmakers to increase the financial support for SNAP, food programs are hoping to see an increase in both benefits and eligibility.

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Filling Gaps in Cancer Treatment with Whole Person Care

What is the best treatment for cancer? While there may not be one simple answer, experts agree on the importance of a whole person care approach. Through social determinants of health, programs and organizations can better help cancer patients by providing the care that they need.

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What Is Whole Person Care?

Whole person care is gradually becoming more prevalent in the realm of health and human service organizations. But what exactly does it mean? Check out the definition and importance of whole person care, as well as how your organization can begin implementing it today.

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