HUD News Highlights for Continuums of Care

HUD News Highlights for Continuums of Care

New NOFOs, new resources, and new studies: There’s been a lot of new developments for continuums of care (CoC) over at HUD, and we’re here to show you the highlights and how they could impact your CoC.

There’s a lot to know for this new fiscal year, FY 2023. As HUD develops new programs, repeats current ones, and changes reporting requirements, we’re here to sift through the vast information landscape and refer you to the most salient resources and news from HUD.

Monkeypox Affecting HIV/Homeless Populations

Monkeypox was declared a public health emergency in the United States on August 4, 2022, and a new report by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows data that people who have HIV or who are experiencing homelessness are probably at higher risk of being impacted with the most severe cases of Monkeypox.

This report was a case study of 57 patients—not a statistically significant sample for extrapolating to the general population. However, it was found that 13 of those patients (23 percent of the sample) were experiencing homelessness and lacked healthcare access, which certainly affected their ability to obtain inoculation. Also in this case study, only 9 percent of HIV patients were taking antiretrovirals at the time of their Monkeypox diagnosis.

Per HUD, CoCs can link HIV care, homeless services, and treatment to Monkeypox treatment with various funding sources that were originally designed to “prevent, prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19”:

  • Traditional HOPWA and Homeless Assistance programs

HIV patients often have complications when infected with COVID-19, which is why we support increased care coordination for those patients.

Also per HUD:

Following are examples of how to use HOPWA and Homeless Assistance programs to serve those most vulnerable to [Monkeypox] infection and severe health outcomes.

  • Immediate link to housing through hotel or motel vouchers
    • HOPWA: HOPWA funds (formula, competitive, and CARES Act) can be used to pay for a hotel or motel voucher for HOPWA-eligible individual or family who is homeless or in immediate need of housing support to stabilize the individual and get them connected to HIV care, [Monkeypox] vaccination, supportive services, and stable housing. Generally, HUD recommends that grantees and project sponsors limit hotel/motel stays under HOPWA to no more than 60 days in a six-month period.
    • ESG: Annual ESG funds not used to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 can be used to pay for a hotel or motel voucher for a family or individual with a contagious disease if no appropriate emergency shelter is available. See Notice CPD-21-08 for additional ways that ESG-CV can be used to support [Monkeypox] response efforts, including funding for isolation in non-congregate shelter spaces.
  • Eligible activities to prepare for and respond to infectious diseases including MPX
    • HOPWA: Using HOPWA Program Funds for Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response
    • ESG: Eligible ESG Program Costs for Infectious Disease Preparedness
    • CoC: Using CoC Program Funds for Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response
  • Related Resources for Monkeypox
    • Infectious Disease Prevention and Response page on the HUD Exchange
    • Infectious Disease Toolkit for CoCs provides guidance for planning and responding to infectious diseases
Source: HUDexchange.

Special NOFO to Housing First, Rural Communities

HUD has released a first-of-its-kind suite of resources to address “unsheltered homelessness and homeless encampments, including funds set aside specifically to address homelessness in rural communities,” with a special notice of funding opportunities (NOFO) in the amount of $322 million. Applications were due October 20, 2022, but questions can be addressed to

Per HUD:

CoCs will have the opportunity to submit projects for two funding opportunities through this Special NOFO: (1) Unsheltered Homelessness Set Aside and (2) Rural Set Aside. CoCs may apply for projects under one or both funding opportunities as follows:

  1. Unsheltered Homelessness Set Aside. Projects included in this funding opportunity may serve any geographic area within the CoC and must meet all eligibility and quality threshold requirements established in this Special NOFO. A CoC’s maximum award amount for this funding opportunity is described in Section III.J of the NOFO.
  2. Rural Set Aside. Projects included in this funding opportunity must serve geographic areas that meet the definition of “rural area” as defined in Section III.C.2.k of the NOFO and meet all eligibility and quality threshold requirements established in this Special NOFO. CoCs whose geographic areas do not include any rural areas are not eligible for funding under this funding opportunity. A CoC’s maximum award amount for this funding opportunity is described in Section III.J of the NOFO.
Source: HUDexchange.

COVID-19 Resources for Homeless Providers

As of November 8, 2022, HUD has published a digest of resources from the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) and its partners. Notable sources include the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council (NHCHC), the Corporation for Sustainable Housing (CSH), and other similar stakeholders. We highly recommend CoCs and HMISes browse these resources to find ways to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on homeless populations.

Choice Neighborhoods Receives Record Funding Amount

The Choice Neighborhoods program was funded with $350 million in FY 2022, a $150 million increase from FY 2021. Planning Grant awards’ applications were due July 28, 2022, but Implementation Grants applications are due on January 11, 2023.

Don’t Forget Office Hours If You Need Help with LSA Submission

Longitudinal systems analyses (LSAs) initial uploads are due on November 18, 2022, but the data cleaning period will provide for office hours from the Data Quality team at HUD.

HUD Awards $84M to Help End Youth Homelessness

HUD Secretary Fudge announced almost $84 million was awarded to 17 communities through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program.

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