Introducing Eccovia University, a Learning and Development Platform for HHS Organizations

Eccovia University

Health and human service organizations often get behind with learning and development. What if there were a solution specifically for this industry? Well, now there is a solution with Eccovia University!

In the sector of health and human services (HHS), onboarding and user training can be tedious and slow. Not only is our industry very niche—making most mainstream training programs irrelevant—but we’ve also noticed the same onboarding questions and requests time and time again.

That’s why today, after more than a year of development, we’re proud to announce the release of Eccovia University, a learning and development (L&D) platform specifically tailored to HHS organizations that need robust, custom training for their administrators, case managers, and end users.

See how your learners are progressing in our premade courses at every level.

What Is Eccovia University?

Eccovia University (EU) is a complete learning platform that contains custom content, from orientation to onboarding, such as professional-grade videos, screencasts, podcasts, online learning modules, and more.

EU blends multiple teaching styles to help new members of an organization quickly learn the skills needed to have a positive impact on the organization and on clients. If your organization goes through seasonal or high turnover, or if you have very specific learning needs, EU is there to fill those gaps. Use our premade courses, or create one of your own with our help.

Why Is Eccovia University Needed?

There are many learning management systems (LMSes) now in every sector—except social services. Most LMS companies ignore our industry because it’s not as well funded as technology, finance, or manufacturing sectors, for example. However, those who serve survivors of domestic violence, people experiencing homelessness, or the food insecure still need support to improve their clients’ outcomes.

Caseloads are growing in most areas of the United States, yet budgets remain inflexible for most HHS organizations. High rates of turnover often put new workers into critical jobs that require more training than is currently available, which can only hamper their ability to coordinate care for vulnerable populations.

Regarding the adoption of new technology in the HHS industry, Deloitte writes (emphasis added):

Technology will handle many of the repetitive tasks that now take up a large portion of the typical agency worker’s day. Freed from much of their data entry, report writing, and other routine functions, caseworkers will be able to spend more time working directly with individuals and families on strategies to meet their specific needs. Managers can focus on coaching and supervising the people who report to them and on overseeing relationships with community partners. All employees will have tools to help them work more efficiently and effectively and gain better insights to inform their decisions.

In other words, with new technology always comes new opportunity. But with new technology also comes new training and onboarding, and who better to help ClientTrack clients than the ones who created it?

When you partner with Eccovia, you get subject matter expertise you wouldn’t get from an out-of-the-box LMS.

What Can Eccovia University Do?

EU can reduce onboarding costs and turnover costs by combining quick, intuitive training modules with modern teaching techniques.

Features and Benefits

Mobile appLet remote workers learn on the go, anywhere that has internet connection.
Robust reporting and assessmentsPass rates, time on courses, and tracked problem questions can all help you assess how well your people are learning, so you can iterate and adjust.
Learning modulesPractice problems, lesson plans, and gamified activities help take the tedium out of learning and make it fun and engaging.
CustomizationWith deep knowledge of HHS workflows, our L&D team can create any training to suit your organization’s needs.
DIY contentManagers can upload and create their own content if an urgent training need arises, in our user-friendly interface.
See course participation by month, by status, and in the aggregate.

How Can I Take Advantage of Eccovia University?

Please reach out to our account executives at if you’d like to explore what Eccovia University can do for your organization’s learning and development.

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