Our Stories

Take a minute to learn how our products have helped admirable social-service organizations achieve higher efficiency, easier compliance, and better outcomes.

Metropolitan Alliance of Connected Communities (MACC)

The Metropolitan Alliance of Connected Communities (MACC) is a nonprofit network of nearly 60 human service organizations in the Twin Cities metropolitan area of Minnesota. MACC provides quality, affordable, shared administrative services, and connects their members to resources, knowledge...

Bridges From School To Work

Bridges From School To Work

Each year in the U.S., approximately 400,000 youth with disabilities exit public high schools. The majority will remain unemployed in the year following their graduation. In fact, disabled young adults are twice as likely to be unemployed as their non-disabled peers.

Stanislaus Community System Of Care

Stanislaus Community System Of Care

On any given day, there are approximately 1,661 people experiencing homelessness in Stanislaus County, according to the 2017 Point-in-Time Count. This population includes special groups with particular needs, such as veterans, families with children, unaccompanied youths, and individuals suffering from...

Empowering the LGBTQ Youth of Northeast Florida Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Services (JASMYN)

Empowering the LGBTQ Youth of Northeast Florida Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Services (JASMYN)

Telling the stories of those who are discriminated against and marginalized gives power to the young people we serve. LGBTQ youth are one group who deserve to have their stories told, as many—if not all—face some level of discrimination. It is difficult...

Kentucky Office for Refugees Seamlessly Connecting Service Providers across the State

Kentucky Office for Refugees Seamlessly Connecting Service Providers across the State

The Kentucky Office for Refugees (KOR) was established in June 2006 as a department of Catholic Charities of Louisville, Inc. KOR oversees the administration of a wide variety of essential services for refugees for the entire state of Kentucky, including employment help, case management, English...

Georgia Department of Community Affairs Georgia Statewide Case Management System

Georgia Department of Community Affairs Georgia Statewide Case Management System

The mission of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs is to help build strong, vibrant communities where Georgians have the opportunity to thrive. One of Georgia’s strategic objectives is to improve the coordination of care and services for individuals experiencing homelessness across...

YMCA of Greater Houston Empowering Clients to Rebuild Their Lives

YMCA of Greater Houston Empowering Clients to Rebuild Their Lives

Texas is the second largest resettlement state in the US, resettling roughly 15,000 Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) eligible populations a year (i.e. refugees, parolees, special immigrant visas, victim of trafficking, asylees, etc.). In 2016, the State of Texas officially withdrew from administering and managing the federal Refugee Resettlement Program. As a result, ORR selected 4 regional nonprofits to assume the role held previously by the state of Texas.

Houston Coalition for the Homeless Resolving Homelessness with Permanent Solutions

Houston Coalition for the Homeless Resolving Homelessness with Permanent Solutions

In the spring of 2009, the national Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act was signed into law and mandated several changes, including an increase in prevention resources and an emphasis on performance. Shaun Donovan, the secretary of HUD at the time, charged agencies to demonstrate that federal Continuum of Care (CoC) funding was making an impact on the underlying causes of...

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach Doing More for the Communities of Florida

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach Doing More for the Communities of Florida

Currently, Florida is ranked third in the nation—and Palm Beach county is ranked third in Florida—for suspected cases of human trafficking. Florida’s tropical Atlantic coastline means it is also regularly impacted by major disasters, such as hurricane Irma in 2017. As part of its mission to “empower individuals, deliver social services and collaborate with others in building just and compassionate...

Feeding, Healing and Health

Founded in 1991, Project Angel Heart’s mission was to provide Coloradans facing life-threatening illness with the nutrition needed to heal and become stronger. Project Angel Heart allows its recipients to obtain necessary meals specifically tailored to their individual health and medical needs, all without needing to leave their home.

Eccovia’s HMIS Experts Offer Support and Data Analysis, Delivering Results for the City of Topeka

Eccovia’s HMIS Experts Offer Support and Data Analysis, Delivering Results for the City of Topeka

The City of Topeka serves the dual role of the Continuum of Care (CoC) lead and the HMIS lead for Topeka Shawnee County, having inherited the HMIS lead position several years prior to 2021. Around this same time, the City transferred from their previous HMIS system to Eccovia’s ClientTrack HMIS Platform.

Safe Horizon Standing with Victims of Violence and Abuse

Safe Horizon Standing with Victims of Violence and Abuse

Safe Horizon is the nation’s leading victim assistance organization. Founded in 1978, their mission is to provide support, prevent violence, and promote justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families, and communities. Operating in all five boroughs of New York City, Safe Horizon helps 250,000 New Yorkers annually.

Physicians CareConnection: Improving Health Outcomes with Better Data Management

Physicians CareConnection (PCC) has deep roots as a charitable healthcare clinic in Columbus, Ohio, serving people vulnerable to adverse health outcomes. As its mission changed over the years—and therefore its service portfolio—PCC found a need for robust case management...

Women Against Abuse

In 1976, Women Against Abuse (WAA) took its first steps as a grassroots organization in Philadelphia seeking to address the issue of domestic violence and provide services to help protect and assist victims. WAA began with a hotline and a small house in West Philadelphia, from which the entire operation was run. From those humble beginnings, WAA went on to become the largest domestic...

How CAMBA Modernized Social Program Reporting

CAMBA has a proud legacy of identifying and serving social needs in all five boroughs of New York City. Over the years, the organization has evolved and expanded its reach, developing human service programs to serve vulnerable populations. Because of the complexity of delivering overlapping-yet-disparate services with distinct reporting...

Housing for Health Care Coordination Platform

Housing programs that seek to improve health by providing housing have demonstrated the potential to accomplish the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Triple Aim: better care, improved health outcomes, at a lower cost. Los Angeles County, the most populous in the United States...





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