
Data Warehousing

Extending the Capabilities of
Human Services with
Business Intelligence (BI)

Data Warehousing

Extending the Capabilities of Human Services with Business Intelligence (BI)


to the Homeless Management
Information System

to the Homeless Management
Information System

The HMIS program is an indispensable tool in the work of ending homelessness, but it’s a limited tool that requires reaction to crises rather than prevention. Many agencies are stuck in this cycle of putting out fires instead of addressing the core issues contributing to incidents.

That’s why communities and state governments need to complement the HMIS model with business intelligence, which is only made possible with data warehousing technology.

Key Distinctions: HMIS and Data Warehouse BI Platforms

HMISData Warehouse
Data Integration and Aggregation
  • Designed to collect, store, and report on data concerning homeless populations and services distributed

  • Client-level data, program-level data

  • Not designed to integrate data from other sources or indirectly-related systems
  • Integrates data from many and varied sources with machine learning to transform and store limitless data types in a unified format

  • Centralized large-scale repository for data from disparate systems and applications, allowing for consolidated views of a community’s operations
Performance and Scalability
  • Optimized for transactional operations (i.e., intake/assessment, coordinated entry, care coordination), data entry, and historical reporting

  • Limited reporting and data analytics capability; architecturally designed for record input and modification rather than data analytics
  • Optimized for data query and analysis, allowing for swift gathering of millions of records for data analysis

  • Enables much more powerful reporting and data visualization that can analyze homelessness trends against more data than an HMIS

  • Capable of supporting predictive analytics, to forecast trends beyond historical reporting

Extend the

of Your HMIS with Data Warehousing

Extend the

of Your HMIS with Data Warehousing

So what does a data warehouse like ClientInsight look like when it also contains the HMIS? It extends your HMIS’s capabilities beyond where you thought possible. In other words, data warehousing allows communities to derive richer insights, make better-informed decisions, and ultimately drive more impactful interventions for vulnerable populations.
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) and reverse ETL for massive data intake and improved data quality
Data import from virtually any source and multiple sources at once
Client matching/unique client index and deduplication
Automated notifications and data-quality monitoring

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) and reverse ETL for massive data intake
and improved data quality

  • ETL is a process to extract data from source systems, transform it into the desired format, and
    load it into the data warehouse—the single source of truth. This enables enormous data intake
    from very different data sources and types, an automated ingestion pipeline, and depositing the
    transformed data into the warehouse.
  • Reverse ETL is a process to move data from the data warehouse back into the operational system,
    often to synchronize enriched data for enhanced applications. The agencies providing the data have
    access the the standardized, cleansed data, providing powerful data analytics to specific providers
    and agencies.

Data import from virtually
any source and multiple
sources at once

  • With ClientInsight, ingest
    data from virtually any
    source and format, including
    but not limited to HMIS and EHR.
  • Data sources can include
    videos, spreadsheets, audio
    files, case notes, and much
    more, meaning enormous
    amounts of time and
    energy can be saved
    an integration process that is
    as painless as it is easy.

Client matching/unique client
index and deduplication

  • Use AI-driven, probabilistic,
    client-matching to mitigate
    duplicate data entry.
  • Train the system with “yes”
    and “no” answers to
    deduplication questions to
    identify and merge duplicate
    records with 97% accuracy.

Automated notifications and
data-quality monitoring

  • Set up an error threshold so if
    the data quality reaches that
    threshold, the process is halted
    and you are immediately
    within hours, and not
    months later when critical
    reporting deadlines are coming up.

360-degree perspective of
clients from aggregated data

  • Understand the the SDoH
    factors influencing your
    clients at the individual and
    population levels, including
    economic stability,
    education, physical
    environment, access to
    health care, community
    context, food environment,
    built environment,
    behaviors, and
    socioeconomic influences.

Separate, partitioned, de-identified
copy of the data warehouse for the
protection of PII data


  • Facilitate compliant data-
    sharing between social service
    providers at any level within
    the state or province,
    including those for domestic
    violence survivors, so data
    siloes are eliminated and
    true community care
    can begin.

Public and private dashboards

  • Create public and private
    dashboards to report on any
    possible data point with robust
    visualization within your

Integrated Power BI for
powerful data visualization

  • ClientInsight comes with
    Power BI built in to give you
    the industry best in data
360-degree perspective of clients from aggregated data
Separate, partitioned, de-identified copy of the data warehouse for the protection of PII data
Public and private dashboards
Integrated Power BI for powerful data visualization

Turbo-Charge Your HMIS

to the Next Stage
of Health and Human Services

Turbo-Charge Your HMIS

to the Next Stage
of Health and Human Services

What’s under the hood?
Here’s how ClientInsight works.

When dealing with big data, you need the right tool for the job. ClientInsight is a data warehouse and community intelligence platform designed from the ground up to ingest, cleanse, parse, and analyze big data from virtually limitless numbers of sources. With built-in Power BI features, you can apply the power of enterprise-business intelligence to community care coordination and homeless services.

Extend the Capabilities
of Your HMIS

Download the brochure version of this page for a summary of the ideas presented here.

Where Can I Learn More?

We at Eccovia know what is required to implement a data warehouse and connect all participants to it, following industry best practices. If you want to extend the capabilities of your HMIS into the next stage of case management evolution, schedule a demo with one of our many experts on health and human services.