The Four Pitfalls of

Building Your Own Data Warehouse

Since the height of the pandemic, we’ve learned how interdependent social service organizations are. Data sharing has never been more important, and data warehousing has now become the clear answer to this problem.

Thinking of Building Your Own Data Warehouse?
Know What You’re Getting Yourself Into.

The Pitfalls of Building Your Own Data Warehouse

Since the height of the pandemic, we’ve learned how interdependent social service organizations are. Data sharing has never been more important, and data warehousing has now become an essential part of the solution. But when social service organizations need the power of analytics to help them improve their outcomes and get the most out of their data, they might be tempted to build the technology themselves.

Can your organization really handle all these factors, alone?

4 Pitfalls Weigh Options
In addition to cloud hosting and HIPAA security costs, the expertise required to design and train an organization on building and using a data warehouse is an enormous lift. Luckily, Eccovia has a purpose-built data warehouse for social service delivery and community intelligence.

Read our white paper, “The Four Pitfalls of Building Your Own Data Warehouse,” to learn what to look out for when building your own data warehouse.


4 Pitfalls How It Works

Where Can I Learn More?

Eccovia’s data warehousing and community intelligence solution, ClientInsight, is ultimately a much less expensive option, in cash, time—and stress. To learn how ClientInsight can help you automate your data quality checks, account for your successes, and gain greater vision into your data, schedule a demo with our experts.