Powerful, Comprehensive

Case Management

Case management is at the heart of health and human services. While there’s no shortage of case management tools and solutions out there, ClientTrack is built on the foundation of Eccovia’s industry expertise. We help our customers understand and enact best practices, keep up with industry trends, and stay ahead of shifting requirements and data standards updates.

Tired of Lack of Coordination?

The ClientTrack case management platform is built from the ground up with the insight and experience of Health and Human Services (HHS) industry experts. It is designed to help you bring down costs, more efficiently deploy community resources, and yield superior outcomes for those in need. We’re constantly improving ClientTrack to address common pain points and help you navigate the challenges of ever-shifting regulatory requirements.

With Eccovia, you don’t just get a case management platform capable of meeting virtually any case management need, but also a strategic partner with decades of subject matter expertise in social services, technology, and the strategies that drive success.

Making a Difference through Efficiency

This inefficiency drives up costs, drains community resources, and yields poor outcomes for those in need.
Inefficient coordination
Eccovia’s ClientTrack solves these issues by providing a single database for all providers to coordinate care, where case managers can refer individuals for necessary services, ensure the services are received, and report outcomes to stakeholders.

The ClientTrack Case Management Workflow

Case Management Process

Beyond the Basics

Our case management approach is married to expertise, experience, and technological innovation. We’re constantly seeking to provide the best, working to improve our platform and push the boundaries of what case management can do.
Case Management
Case management spans many situations, needs, and environments, but these share many common key considerations and best practices. In this explainer, we’ll show how ClientTrack® is a case management platform that facilitates efficiency, regulatory compliance, and great reporting for any case management need.

Blogs & Articles

Where Can I Learn More?

Contact us today to schedule a demo and see how ClientTrack can make all the difference for you and the people you serve.