Bridging The Gap Between
Public Safety and Social Services
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Case Management Built with Compliance and Data Security
Discover how ClientTrack Case Management
can empower you to provide your community
with a solution that supports the work of co-responders and public safety in one safe platform.
Community Response: Incidents, Assessments, and Case Management
A Solution to Your Unique Situation
The ClientTrack platform offers crucial functionality that enables live assessments, incident tracking, case management, mental and behavioral health assessments, and reporting.
ClientTrack combines flexibility with a fully-realized, feature-rich solution. ClientTrack is both purpose-built to meet your needs now and to adapt to your future needs without costly customization.
Live Assessments: The web application allows you to capture live assessments in the field on any device, including mobile devices.
Incident Tracking: ClientTrack’s incident tracking capabilities help you keep a record of an individual’s history and paint a better picture of needs and potential obstacles.
Case Management: Help individuals achieve better outcomes through comprehensive, HIPAA-compliant case management system.
Mental Health Assessments: ClientTrack’s assessments, including PHQ-9 and Aces, facilitate quick capture of an individual’s mental and behavioral health.
Reporting: ClientTrack’s reporting suite makes data easily accessible for officers and co-responders (i.e., community response teams, social workers, and other emergency services).