Home and Community-Based Services Change Lives and Reduce Costs for Providers


Innovative Medicaid models of care are being implemented across the country for targeted population groups such as people with mental illnesses, intellectual or developmental disabilities, and/or physical disabilities. Many of these individuals require coordinated physical, behavioral, and social services in order to address health risks, gaps in care, and barriers to health. One innovative Medicaid care model is Home and community-based services (HCBS).

New York is one of the pioneers in implementing HCBS across multiple programs. The New York Office for People with Developmental Disabilities is committed to providing the supports required for an individual to grow and become part of their community. In just a few decades they have helped nearly 27,000 individuals move out of institutional settings and into community-based settings. Here is a heartwarming video that shows the impact that HCBS services have had on the lives of disabled individuals in their community.

The goal of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid is to make HCBS more person-focused, which requires provider organizations to improve consumer engagement, provide more service options, and focus on care coordination with other community-based provider organizations and social supports. Person-focused case management and accurate outcomes reporting are core components of any HCBS Medicaid waiver program. As a result, many state, county, and local governments are leveraging Medicaid systems to collaborate with other providers and community resources.

ClientTrack Case Management is used by more than a thousand clients daily who serve a broad variety of community needs, including Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Long Term Services and Supports, Housing, and Behavioral Health. Next week (August 15-18, 2016), Eccovia Solutions is sponsoring the annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. The conference brings together leaders from both the public and private sector to best practices related to Medicaid programs.

To learn more about HCBS programs:


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